Laser Hair Removal
Why shave or wax when you can laser? Are you seeking a more permanent solution to hair removal with quick, painless and consistent results? Then Omni Esthetics Viora Hair Removal Treatments are for you!
Hair removal is the world’s most requested aesthetic treatment and Omni Esthetics proudly offers Viora IPL, today’s most effective laser hair removal procedures. Our non-intrusive laser treatments provide you fast, painless and consistent results at an affordable price, with the convenience of undergoing treatments in less than an hour.
Through the use of leading phototherapy technology, Viora’s PCR™IPL and Laser Hair removal solutions offer a significant reduction in hair growth at the beginning stages of treatment. Get smooth hairless skin over your lunch break.
Fast, consistent and convenient, our laser treatments focus on removing hair at the fastest speed, and over the shortest length of treatments. Book a Viora hair removal treatment session over your lunch break and be back at work in less than an hour.
Viora hair removal treatments deliver the most comprehensive results at maximum comfort.
PCR™ takes full advantage of adjustable pulse types and duration in order to perform an array of treatments. Talk to your practitioner today to find out how Viora’s exciting, proprietary technology can give you long term, life changing results! By using the dedicated hair removal filters, light beams directly arrive at the target tissue heating up and destroying the hair bulb while the surrounding tissue remains intact via the selective photo-thermal effect. This gold standard in laser treatments has the ability to penetrate deeper than any other type of laser and features high levels of comfort with powerful contact cooling.