Hormone Therapy
At Omni’s hormone therapy clinic in Olympia, we offer customized anti-aging hormone therapy options for you to stay healthy, happy and feel your best!
As our body ages, we go through various hormonal changes that can affect health and vitality. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include weight gain, memory decline, fatigue, and muscle loss. A decline in hormones and associated symptoms can manifest as young as 30 years old and progesterone even as early as 20s.
Many people are misdiagnosed, and frequently mistreated - often prescribed medications to treat symptoms like ADD, depression, and anxiety when the underlying cause is a hormone imbalance. Hormones can easily be tested and regularly treated with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to improve health and restore energy and vitality.

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced by your own body as compared to those synthetic (and patented) HRT hormones that have some significant differences. Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived, mimic your own hormones and function in your body the exact same way your innate hormones do because your body perceives them as the same. This allows for a natural integration into your body’s physiology. These hormones are used to replace what your body no longer makes as you age or due to other factors (i.e. stress, PCOS, thyroid disorders, disease, etc.)
360.338.0289BHRT FOR WOMEN

At Omni Centers anti-aging and hormone therapy clinic, we believe every woman is unique and therefore should have a unique treatment to address and improve the side effects of imbalanced hormones. Your sex hormones levels are assessed, and the appropriate bioidentical hormones are prescribed - which may include estrogen in forms of estradiol and/or estriol, progesterone, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and pregnenolone.
Hormone levels can start to decline in women in their 20’s & 30’s (resulting in low estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone). BHRT has been used to treat many symptoms including migraines and menstrual headaches (symptoms of hormone imbalance) and menopause.
It also helps with vaginal dryness, incontinence, and urinary urgency/ frequency, to name a few. Moreover, hundreds of studies show natural testosterone to be highly preventative against breast cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s dementia and heart disease.
Other hormone imbalances that can be supported with BHRT include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Estrogen Dominance. The goals of BHRT therapy include alleviating the symptoms caused by the natural (or other) decrease in production of hormones by the body, giving the protective benefits which were originally provided by naturally occurring hormones, and re-establishing a hormone balance.
TOPICAL HORMONES: Hormone creams come from a compounding pharmacy where they are created specifically for you. They are absorbed through the skin and go directly into the blood stream - avoiding being changed by the liver, like what happens with oral administration.
TROCHES: Often used with progesterone, troches dissolve under tongue and absorb into blood stream through mucus membrane, therefore largely avoiding changes by the liver.
BHRT PELLETS: Pellets deliver a consistent release of hormone levels over an extended period, typically 3 to 6-months. The procedure takes approximately 10 to 15-minutes, and most people are comfortable resuming daily activities immediately after their appointment. Best of all, pellets consistently release small physiologic doses of hormones avoiding fluctuations - as seen with some other methods of delivery, they bypass the liver, and do not affect clotting factors nor increase the risk of thrombosis. This is a great option for those who don’t want to deal with daily and weekly applications of hormones. Learn more about Hormone Therapy for Women here.
360.338.0289BHRT FOR MEN

Men experience a similar decline in hormone levels that women experience when they go through menopause. This is known as andropause in men, and this change occurs more slowly starting around the age of 30. Testosterone levels in men typically drop about 1% per year. It is estimated that 40% of men between the ages of 54 to 64 have levels below the lower limit of normal.
These lower levels of testosterone play a critical role in the quality and quantity of life in males. The decline in testosterone levels have been shown to be a risk factor for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, osteoporosis, and diabetes. The goal of testosterone replacement in men is to bring the levels back into a normal range with the goals of improving energy, sexual function, and muscle mass along with the many other benefits. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can restore and maintain health and wellness.
TOPICAL HORMONES: Hormone creams come from a compounding pharmacy where they are created specifically for you. They are absorbed through the skin and go directly into the blood stream - avoiding being changed by the liver, like what happens with oral administration.
SHOTS: IM (intramuscular) or SubQ (subcutaneous) injections deliver a fast-acting hormone that is convenient with direct absorption (you absorb 100% of the hormone in the injection of your specific dose).
BHRT PELLETS: Pellets deliver a consistent release of hormone levels over an extended period, typically 3 to 6-months. The procedure takes approximately 10 to 15-minutes and most people are comfortable resuming daily activities immediately after their appointment. Best of all, pellets consistently release small physiologic doses of hormones avoiding fluctuations - as seen with some other methods of delivery, they bypass the liver, and do not affect clotting factors nor increase the risk of thrombosis. This is a great option for those who don’t want to deal with daily and weekly applications of hormones. Learn more about Hormone Therapy for Men here.

- They are derived from natural plant chemicals (botanicals)
- Each formula is customized to your individual, unique physiology
- The dosage is adjusted based on your hormone panel (we monitor closely)
- They are natural & the body can metabolize them as it was designed to do
- European Medical studies report they are safer than synthetic versions

- Reduced urogenital symptoms
- Reduced insomnia/Improve sleep
- Reduced depression
- Improved overall well-being
- Improved cognition
- Increased lean muscle and bone mass
- Increased collagen and elastin-may help improve skin elasticity, hydration, and thickness and reduce wrinkles
- Decreased hemoglobin A1C in diabetics
- Increase insulin sensitivity (reduce risk/improve control of diabetes)
- Reduction in body fat
- Reduce “bad” cholesterol and improve “good” cholesterol
- Enhanced mood
- Improved stress tolerance
- Improved immune system
- Reduce/eliminate Hot flashes, Night sweats
- Facilitate weight loss
- Improve libido and sexual function
- Join pain relief
- Decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis, thyroid problems, cancer etc…
360.338.0289At Omni Centers, we have professional staff and specialized services to optimize every aspect of your health and beauty. If you are interested in Hormone Therapy, please call us to schedule a free consultation at: 360.338.0289
Depending on what your symptoms are and which hormone(s) your body needs, based on history and lab work, your practitioner may choose to prescribe bioidentical hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, DHEA, melatonin, or others as needed.
Hormone imbalance in both men and women can result in disruptions in:
- Sleep cycles
- Appetite and metabolic function
- Mood and stress levels
- Muscle function
- Reproduction and sexual functions
- Heart rate
- Growth and development
Imbalances in hormones can wreak havoc on your body, from fatigue and depression to muscle aches, dry skin, and thinning hair. Women often experience hormone imbalance during menopause as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, along with mood swings. Men often notice hormone imbalance by a decreased sex drive, osteoporosis and decreased muscle mass.
Bioidentical hormones mimic the affinity of human endogenous hormones; therefore they are effective on more biological pathways, at all levels. Because bioidentical hormones are an exact structural replica of endogenous hormones, side effects are rarely observed, and in the event you do experience side effects, talk with your doctor—the dosage may simply need to be adjusted. The added benefit of bioidentical hormones is that each dose is tailored specifically for your needs, not simply what doses the pharmaceutical company offers (as is the case with synthetic hormones.)
- Fatigue
- Hot flashes
- Mood swings
- Thinning hair
- Vaginal dryness
- Reduced sex drive
- Painful intercourse
- Irregular or diminishing menstruation
- Weight gain (specifically in the abdomen, hips and thighs)
Start feeling better today —contact Omni Centers and begin your journey toward total wellness
- Testosterone
- Pregnenolone
- Estrogen (Bi-Est)
- Progesterone (must be administered whenever estrogen is given and used to help protect the uterus from cancer and to prevent other estrogen side effects)
- Restored vaginal lubrication
- Increased sex drive and pleasure sensations
- Strengthened bones
- Rebuilding lean body mass
- Decreased body fat
- Improved cognitive functions, including memory and focus
- Increased energy and stamina
- Lowered triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels
- Thickened hair
Testosterone/Hormone replacement therapy may provide the following benefits for men:
- Increased muscle mass
- Increased libido
- Reduced fat
- Improved sexual performance
- Has been shown to lower cholesterol levels
- Strengthened bones
- Minimized symptoms associated with diabetes
- Sharpened mind
- Improved mood
- Improved skin tone and elasticity
- Increased energy and stamina
- Men and women have reported increased aggressiveness, acne or irritability during the initial phases of testosterone hormone therapy, but these issues are generally resolved as levels become balanced.
- Some women have reported breast tenderness, spotting, cramping, and bloating. These symptoms may be experienced initially with estrogen hormone treatment, but resolve as hormone levels become balanced.
- Occasionally, hormone therapy patients will complain of itching or redness at the injection or insertion site, these symptoms diminish as the body adjusts to treatment.