Hormone Therapy and Anti-aging
Decline in hormones is a major contributor to aging. As hormones, especially sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone and progesterone), decline we note many symptoms associated with aging; wrinkles, low sex drive, fatigue, etc. Although it is “normal” for hormones to decrease with age, replenishing them can result in looking and feeling more youthful.
Declines in hormones and associated symptoms can manifest as young as 30 years old and progesterone even as early as 20s. Many people are misdiagnosed and frequently mistreated. Often women are prescribed medications to treat symptoms like ADD, anti-depressants, and anxiety when the underlying cause is a hormone imbalance. Hormones can easily be tested and often treated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced by your own body compared to those synthetic (and patented) hormones that have some significant differences. Bioidential hormones are derived from plants
Advantages of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT):
They are derived from natural plant chemicals (botanicals)
Each formula is customized to your individual, unique physiology
The dosage is adjusted based on your hormone panel (we monitor closely)
They are natural & the body can metabolize them as it was designed to do
European Medical studies report they are safer than synthetic versions
The benefits of BHRT include:
Reduced urogenital symptoms
Reduced insomnia/Improve sleep
Reduced depression
Improved overall well-being
Improved cognition
Increased lean muscle and bone mass
Increased collagen and elastin- may help improve skin elasticity, hydration, and thickness and reduce wrinkles
Decreased hemoglobin A1C in diabetics
Increase insulin sensitivity (reduce risk/improve control of diabetes)
Reduction in body fat
Reduce “bad” cholesterol and improve “good” cholesterol
Enhanced mood
Improved stress tolerance
Improved immune system
Reduce/eliminate Hot flashes, Night sweats
Facilitate weight loss
Improve libido and sexual function
Join pain relief
Decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis, thyroid problems, cancer etc…
What is Estrogen?
Estrogen is one of the primary female hormones produced largely in the ovaries. With receptors all over your body, estrogen is integral in over 400 functions that affect your brain, lungs and cardiovascular system in addition to sex organs/sex interest.
Painful sex due to vaginal dryness
Increase in UTIs due to thinning of urethra
Irregular or absent periods
Mood swings
Hot flashes
Breast tenderness
Headaches or accentuation or preexisting migraines
Trouble concentration
Increase risk of bone fractures/osteoporosis
Weight gain
Imbalances in exercise/extreme low body fat (excessive exercise, eating disorders such as anorexia)
Low functioning pituitary gland
Premature ovarian failure (form genetic defects, toxins or an autoimmune condition)
Turner Syndrome
Chronic Kidney Disease
Thyroid disorders
Diet: Fat or calorie restriction, vegetarians and those with gluten intolerance tend to have lower estrogen levels
General poor health
Cardiovascular Benefits
Acts as a natural calcium blocker to keep your arteries open
Decreases LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevents its oxidation
Decreases lipoprotein A (a risk factor for heart disease)
Decreases the accumulation of plaque on your arteries
Enhances magnesium uptake and utilization
Enhances the production of nerve-growth factor
Helps maintain the elasticity of your arteries
Increases blood flow
Increases HDL (good cholesterol) by 10 to 15 percent
Inhibits platelet stickiness, which decreases your risk of heart disease
Cognitive, Mood and Nerve Benefits
Aids in the formation of neurotransmitters in your brain (such as serotonin), which decrease depression, irritability, anxiety, and pain sensitivity
Helps maintain your memory
Helps with fine motor skills
Increases concentration
Increases reasoning
Protects you against macular degeneration, an age-related eye ailment that may cause vision loss
Bone Health
Helps prevent tooth loss
Maintains bone density
Improving Blood Sugar
Improves insulin sensitivity
Skin and Metabolic Benefits
Increases the water content of your skin, which is responsible for your skin’s thickness and softness
Increases your metabolic rate, which helps your body run at a youthful level
Maintains the amount of collagen in your skin
Regulated food intake, body weight, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
Sexual Benefits and Urogenital Health
Reverses thinning of mucus membranes
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is often thought of as a male hormone, but women have testosterone too, they just have less than men. Testosterone in women is made in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone plays many of the same roles for women as it does for men, and as men and women get older, testosterone levels decrease. This can cause lower interest in sexual intercourse, loss of skin elasticity and collagen, increase anxiety and depression, fatigue and brain fog, and difficulty maintaining and gaining muscle mass.
Decreased motivation
Muscle weakness/muscle loss/inability to gain muscle
Sleep disturbances
Low sex drive
Decreased sexual satisfaction
Weight gain
Fertility issues
Anemia (decreased red blood cell production)
Irregular menstrual cycles
Vaginal dryness
Loss of bone density
Decreased mood: worsening sense of well being, anxiety/depression
Adrenal stress or burnout
Birth control pills
Cholesterol-lowering medications
Menopause/surgical menopause (hysterectomy)
Psychological trauma
Cardiovascular Benefits
Reduce Heart disease
Cognitive, Mood and Nerve Benefits
Reduce Depression and Anxiety
Improve energy
Elevates norepinephrine in the brain (has the same effect as taking an antidepressant)
Helps maintain memory
Increases sense of emotional well-being, self-confidence, and motivation
Bone Health
Increase bone mass/ decrease bone deterioration therefor reducing risk of osteoporosis
Improving Blood Sugar
Improves insulin sensitivity
Skin, Muscle and Metabolic Benefits
Increase muscle mass and strength
Decreases excess body fat
Increases muscle tone (so your skin doesn’t sag)
Sexual Benefits and Urogenital Health
Increase libido/sex drive
Increase vaginal lubrication
Improve Menopause symptoms
Improve PMS symptoms
Increases sexual interest (86 percent of women say they experience a decrease in sexual interest with menopause)
What is Progesterone?
Progesterone is another of the primary female sex hormones (although it also plays an important role in men). Progesterone plays a role in menstrual cycles, pregnancy and embryo development. This hormone also acts on the gamma amino butyric (GABA) receptors in the brain improving anxiety, sleep and overall sense of calm.
Anxiety or other mood changes including depression
Insomnia/waking at night
Fibrocystic breasts
Infertility or irregular periods
Low libido
Bone loss
Hot flashes
Thyroid dysfunction
Sugar cravings and weight gain
Acne, dry skin, brittle nails
Aging (as early as late 20s)
Elevated prolactin
Estrogen Dominance
Xenohormone (man-made synthetic substances that have hormone-like effects)
Synthetic Progestin (versus bioidentical progesterone) from sources like birth control pills
Fluctuations in female reproductive cycle (perimenopause, post-partum, PMS)
Cardiovascular and Immune Benefits
Natural anti-inflammatory
Modulates immune function
Increases detoxification enzymes
Cognitive, Mood and Nerve Benefits
Natural anxiolytic (decreases anxiety)
Improves memory
Enhances sleep
Decreases irritability
Protects brain from damage and promotes repair after injury
Bone Health
Increases the osteoblasts (cells that make new bone)
Skin and Metabolic Benefits
Improves skin elasticity
Improves energy
Nourishes hair
Reduces acne
Sexual Benefits and Urogenital Health
Increase libido/sex drive
Increase vaginal lubrication
Decrease hot flashes
Relieves PMS
Relieves heavy periods
Improves fertility
Hormone therapy: Individualized treatments based on your hormone values, symptoms, history and goals. Hormones are checked regularly by either blood or urine to get hormones into an optimal range (not a “normal” range) and only bioidentical hormones are prescribed.
bHRT options: All options have benefits and drawbacks. We will work with you to find the option that works best for you and your lifestyle.
Topical hormones: hormone creams come from a compounding pharmacy where they are created specifically for you. They are absorbed through the skin and go directly into the blood stream (avoiding being changed by the liver, like what happens with oral administration).
Pellets: Coming Soon! Pellets are inserted under the skin and release a steady, optimal dose of hormone over three to six months
Oral therapies: we general avoid these due conjugation (structural changes) by the liver, which are often associated with increased risk.
Troches: often used with progesterone (dissolve under tongue and absorb into blood stream through mucus membrane and therefor largely avoiding changes by the liver
Shots: IM (intramuscular) or SubQ (subcutaneous) injections deliver a fast acting hormone it is convenient with direct absorption (you absorb 100% of the hormone in the injection of your specific dose)
Supplements: We use supplements to enhance your own body’s production of hormones. Specific supplements may be prescribed based on lab work, symptoms and patient history.
Diet: Diet can affect your hormones, weight, immune system and overall wellbeing. Depending on history, goals and labs specific diets or nutritional recommendations may be made.
Lifestyle: In addition to diet, exercise, improving sleep and stress management can help to idealize hormones and improve overall quality of life.