IPL & Chemical Peel Combo at Omni Centers
You are going to love this combination! IPL photofacials are amazing, but get even more fantastic results with combining IPL facials with chemical peels. The added benefit to this is that you speed up the results and get the benefits of both treatments in one sitting. Bonus if you have a big event coming up or if you are just looking to correct that summer skin damage faster.
Some of the best results are shown to come from doing these treatments monthly. But we get it, not everyone can make it into the office twice a month. That is why we are now offer the combo treatment.
IPL & chemical peel combo – This combination works best for correcting sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. The IPL focuses energy in the deeper layers of skin to correct pigmentation. The chemical peel accelerates exfoliation and evens skin tone post treatment.
Combining laser energy with traditional chemical peels is just another example of what today’s advanced technology in the hands of professional skin care specialists can accomplish. This month is a perfect time to try a combo treatment and take advantage of Omni’s Fall Special: IPL Photofacial ($350 retail value) plus Brightening Chemical Peel ($225 retail value) which includes post skin care kit from Rhonda Allison ($575 retail value) for $450 (Save $150) or a package of 3 for $1200 (Save $525).
While the combo treatments are awesome and we love them they are not for everyone. If your skin is sensitive or irritated, combo treatments might not be right for you. Never fear- come in for a free consultation and we can guide you in the right direction.
If you’re a fan of immediate gratification, (and who isn’t) then consider this combo treatment for a real knock out result!